Cane Creek Middle School
Parent Teacher Organization By-Laws
The name of this organization shall be Cane Creek Parent Teacher Organization, hereafter referred to as Cane Creek PTO or PTO.
The PTO is a Parent Teacher Organization that strives to strengthen, enhance and encourage the educational environment of Cane Creek Middle School families.
The goals of Cane Creek PTO are to complement the school’s curriculum with additional opportunities for parent, teacher and students to learn, communicate and grow.
In order to protect the rights of individuals and ongoing educational programs, the Cane Creek PTO agrees to abide by the following limitations:
- It shall not violate the district’s personnel agreements, contracts, policies, or interfere with the professional performance of the school staff.
- It shall not infringe on the legal rights of individual students, groups of students, teachers, parents or community.
- It shall not become involved in, or interfere with, specific curriculum decisions unless the district or school request input.
- It shall not directly, or indirectly, participate or intervene in any way (including the publishing or distribution of statements) in any political campaign on behalf of, or in opposition to, any candidate for public office.
- It shall not engage in activities not related to promote the purposes of the organization.
- It shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on by an organization exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Section 1 – Membership
- Any parent or guardian of a student currently enrolled in Cane Creek Middle School, as well as current Cane Creek Middle School teachers and staff, may become a PTO member.
- The PTO shall conduct an annual enrollment of members, but may admit individuals to membership at any time.
- PTO members are those that have paid dues (due paying years) and/or have given their email to the PTO (non- paying dues year).
- The membership year of the PTO shall begin July1 and end on the following June 30.
Section 2 – Dues
Each member shall pay annual membership dues of five (5) dollars to the PTO. This amount may be waived for all members for a school year if the board determines that this is an appropriate action at the conclusion of the preceding year.
Section 3 – Votes
- Only members who have paid the annual dues and are in good standing shall be eligible to vote. Good standing – whereas a person has paid and been a member for at least 2 weeks prior to a vote. In the event dues are not collected, only members of record are eligible to vote.
- Each member shall have a right to vote.
Section 1 – Executive Board
- The officers of the executive board shall consist of a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, volunteer coordinator, school relationship coordinator, and communication coordinator.
- A non-elected position shall only include the principal, who will serve as an advisor to the PTO board.
Section 2 – Terms of Office
- Officers are elected for one (1) year and may serve no more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office.
- Newly elected PTO officers shall assume responsibilities of their office July 1 of that year.
- A person shall only hole one (1) officer’s position at a time.
- An officer may act as a Chair for a Standing committee.
Section 3 – Eligibility
- Only PTO members shall be eligible to serve in any officers position; with the exception that no tow (2) individuals of close, legal relations (i.e. spouses, siblings, cousins, or in-laws shall serve as officers during the same school year.
Section 4 – Nominations/Elections
- There shall be a nomination committee composed of three (3) members who shall be elected by the executive board at least one (1) month prior to the election of officers in May. One (1) of these members may be a board member.
- The nominating committee shall select an eligible person for each office and present the slate at the May general membership meeting.
- No person shall be elected to an office without his or her consent.
- In the event the PTO fails to fill all officer positions at the May PTO meeting, the incumbent of the expiring term may remain in office for one (1) additional school year or until an election of a new official is held at any special meeting. The incumbent may not remain in this position for more than that year.
Section 5 – Voting
- Voting shall be by voice vote when slate is presented.
- IF more than one person is running for an office, a ballot vote shall be taken.
Section 6 – Vacancy
- Any vacancy occurring in an office shall be filled, for the remainder of the term, by a person(s elected by a simple majority vote of the PTO executive board.
- In the event any current elected officer no longer has a child enrolled at CCMS, for any reason, said officer will be considered to have resigned, and the executive position will be considered vacant. The vacant position can be filled according to the provision listed above.
- If there is a vacancy in the office of president, the vice-president will become president. At that time the vice-president position will be filled according to provision (a) listed above.
Section 7 – Removal from Office
- A board member could be subject to removal at any such time that he or she fails to perform assigned duties, is corrupt, or any act/behavior that brings dishonor to, or negates, the purpose and /or goals of this organization.
- Removal shall take place only after the board has met in an effort to assess and discuss the problem and all attempts have been made to resolve the problem.
- Removal from office may occur by a simple majority vote of the executive board.
Section 1 – President
The president shall
- Preside over all meetings of the PTO.
- Be a member, ex officio of all committees, except the nominating committee.
- Coordinate the work of all the officers and committees so that the purpose of the organization is served.
- Represent the PTO at meetings outside the organization.
- Prepare each meeting’s agenda.
- Sign checks, notes, etc. along with the treasurer or the principal.
- Serve as the primary contact for the principal.
- Work with the teachers to assess their needs.
- Appoint special committees as needed.
- Act as the chairperson of PTO membership.
- Prepare, along with the executive board, the yearly budget for the new school year.
- Review bylaws annually.
Section 2 – Vice President
The vice president shall
- Assist the president with duties as needed.
- Carry out the duties in his or her absence or inability to serve.
- Act as a chairperson of “cash for canes”.
Section 3 – Secretary
The secretary shall
- Record minutes of the executive board meeting and general membership meetings; forward copies to each executive board member within tow (2) weeks of meeting.
- Circulate the minutes from the preceding PTO meeting at each monthly PTO meeting.
- Attend to the official correspondence of the PTO, including gestures of appreciation and sympathy on behalf of the PTO.
Section 4 – Treasurer
The treasurer shall
- Receive and deposit all funds of the organization.
- Keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures;
- Pay out funds in accordance with the approved budget or as authorized by the executive board.
- Present a financial statement at every meeting.
- Prepare, along with the executive board, the yearly budget for the new school year.
- Prepare year-end financial statements for audit at end of year.
- Perform the complete and timely filing of all federal and state tax returns as well as financial reports pertaining to the PTO’s 501 (c) (3) status.
- Present an updated financial statement to each PTO member at the general membership meetings.
Section 5 – Volunteer Coordinator
The volunteer coordinator shall
- Find volunteers to coordinate PTO sponsored events and help if needed with school events.
- Update the volunteer list.
- Track volunteer hours.
- Present a list of active volunteers and their information to the secretary for correspondents.
- Attend committee meetings as needed.
Section 6 – Communication Coordinator
The communication coordinator shall
- Prepare and distribute promotional fliers.
- Coordinate information for the monthly school newsletter (sent by email).
- Provide information to the individual responsible for maintaining and updating the school website, as it pertains to PTO news, information, and events.
- Maintain the PTO blog.
Section 7 – School Relationship Coordinator
The school relationship coordinator shall
- Provide help for any hospitality functions at CCMS.
- Welcome wagon.
- Manage Ingles, Food Lion, Harris Teeter and other award cards.
Section 1
The affairs of the CCMS PTO shall be managed by the executive board in the intervals between the PTO general membership meetings. The executive board has the power to act in an emergency without the consent of the PTO general membership. Majority of the executive board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Section 2 – Duties
The duties of the executive board shall be
- To hold meetings once a month and three (3) general membership meetings.
- To attend all PTO meetings.
- Each officer is expected to serve on a minimum of one (1) committee.
- To create special committees.
- To approve plans from these committees.
- To present report at general membership meetings.
- To select an auditing committee to audit the treasurer’s accounts. (No board member shall be allowed to perform on this committee).
- To prepare and submit to the PTO general members for adoption a budget for the year.
- All officers, with the exception of the principal, have the right to vote.
- Upon completion of term, turn over all relevant documents and information to incoming board members.
- No officer shall secure any contract in the name of the PTO without the approval to do so by the executive board. Any approved purchases must be made within the budgetary restrictions.
Section 3
The principal acts as the liaison between the school and the PTO, and ensures that all PTO activities are in accordance with school policies and procedures. The principle will provide a secure location for PTO records for the past seven (7) years.
The executive board of the PTO may form special committees, as necessary, to carry on the work of the PTO organization. They must be members of the PTO. Special committees are created and appointed for a specific purpose; they automatically go out of existence when the work is done and the final report is received. Their duties are:
- The chairman of each committee shall present a plan of work to the executive board for approval.
- No committee work shall be undertaken without the consent of the executive board.
- The president shall be a member ex officio of all committees except the nominating committee.
- Report progress at PTO executive board meetings.
- Work with the volunteer coordinator.
- Submit reports to the executive board upon completion of the project/event.
Section 1 – Policy
General membership meetings shall be held on the months of September, January and May. The dates will be determined by the PTO executive board. General members shall be notified of the meeting at least two (2) weeks prior. The executive board may call additional general meetings if needed.
Section 2 – Vote
A two-thirds majority vote of the general members present will satisfy any business during a general membership meeting of this PTO.
Section 1
A tentative budget shall be drafted in the fall for each school year and approved by a two-thirds majority vote of the members present at the first general membership meeting. Every member attending shall receive a copy of the budget.
Section 2
The treasurer shall keep accurate records of any disbursements, income and back account information.
Section 3
The board shall approve any expenses outside of the approved budget of the organization.
Section 4
Two authorized signatures shall be required on each check. Authorized signers shall be president, treasurer, and principal.
Section 5
Reimbursements for all expenses shall be made only after receipts are received by the PTO treasurer, along with a check request form signed by the president.
Section 6
The PTO is authorized to carry over funds for the following year as recommended by the executive board and stated in the budget. The annual carry-over amount shall not exceed $5000.00.
Section 1 – Renewal
The PTO bylaws shall be renewed on September of every even year during the first general meeting.
Section 2 – Amendments
Bylaw amendments shall
- Be amended at any general or special PTO membership meeting by a two-thirds majority vote of the members present. Notice of this meeting shall be given at least two (2) weeks prior.
- The amendment shall become effective immediately.
The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order, shall govern the PTO in all cases in which they are applicable and in which they do not conflict with these by-laws.
Section 1 – Procedure
The PTO may be dissolved when a vote is taken at the next scheduled PTO general membership meeting and the request is approved by two-thirds majority vote of those present.
Section 2 – Remaining Funds
Upon a vote to dissolve the PTO, the remaining PTO funds shall first be used to pay any outstanding PTO debt and then either:
- A vote shall be taken by the PTO membership to spend remaining funds on an item or items that benefit the student; or
Date Approved __________________________
Next Renewal Due ________________________
Date Approved __________________________
Next Renewal Due ________________________