Tuesday, September 13, 2011

In the words of a CCMS student.....

Ten years ago, our country suffered through a horrendous attack that left many in dismay. Thousands of innocent lives were lost. People were confused and terrified. All across the nation there was a sense of fear. We called the terrorists that led the attack 'criminal masterminds' and 'evil geniuses'. Well, the truth is, any dim-witted fool can demolish buildings. Any dim-witted fool can attack an innocent group of people. But it takes chutzpah and true courage to help those affected. The fireman and policeman of New York City did precisely that.

Now, you may be wondering, what does this senseless act of brutality have to do with Storm Chasers? 9/11 is an example of standing up for those in need. We must model ourselves after the men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice while trying to save others. If you see someone getting bullied or harassed, it is our obligation as students to assist them.

It is also our obligation to make sure we don't become the bully. We don't judge someone by their ethnicity or their religion, or what have you. We judge someone by the content of their character. The terrorists that attacked us on 9/11 are not loathed because of their ethnicity. They aren't despised because they were Muslims. That has absolutely nothing to do with it. We abhor them because of their actions. If someone is doing something genuinely wrong or immoral, then it is okay to say something to them. But we certainly do not discriminate anyone. Remember, this is critical, we judge someone by the content of their character.

It is my greatest hope that you will join the pledge against bullying and discrimination, so that the world can finally achieve the peace we've been yearning all these years.

By: David Fine, CCMS Student